The Grands Letter (1 Thess/GLJ)
Gene L. Jeffries, Th.D. on June 3, 2016 7:36 am (CST)Dear Grands,
1 Thessalonians 1:2-4, “We give thanks to God always for all of you,
making mention of you in our prayers; 3 constantly bearing in mind your
work of faith and labor of love and steadfastness of hope in our Lord
Jesus Christ in the presence of our God and Father, 4 knowing, brethren
beloved by God, His choice of you…”
You all are grand –both to us and to the LORD! Remember, “Today is
the first day of the rest of your life.” Keep on keeping on!
Love to you all,
Nana & Dado III
Gene L. Jeffries, Th.D.
Springdale, Arkansas