The Grands Letter (GLJ)

on December 31, 2016 8:48 am (CST)
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Dear Grands,

Isaiah 34:18a, “Seek from the book of the LORD, and read…”

I awoke this morning with these words heavily etched in my mind.

“Seek” (darash) means to consult, to inquire, to investigate. Too

often today we take for granted whatever someone says to be the

truth. Sometimes is is not the truth; sometimes it is not the full

truth. How do we determine what is the truth? Investigate “the

book of the LORD.” ~ Too often we entrap ourselves, we fail to

know the truth about a lot of things because we do not READ!

I love technology; but it should never replace reading! Yes, there

are books available for reading online. But online reading is too

often distracted by other online ventures. Another thing: keep a

dictionary at hand. I still use one at my age. The nuances (look

that one up!) of words are very important. ~Here’s something you

didn’t expect (nor did I): the word translated “read” in the verse

above, doesn’t only mean read like we would think. It is the Hebrew

word qara, and it means “to call, proclaim, scream, summon,” and

a variety of things. How would I know if I didn’t “investigate?” How

do you know what I’m saying is true, if you don’t investigate? As

the LORD is the Supreme Authority in all things, so His Word is

accurate and authoritative. How do we know? “Seek from the

Book of the LORD, and read.” You’ll find out for yourselves. I did.

Love you all unmeasurably (Latin, m?t?r?),

Nana & Dado III

Gene L. Jeffries, Th.D.

Springdale, Arkansas


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