Archive for January 8th, 2017

The Grands Letter (GLJ)

on January 8, 2017 8:33 am (CST)
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Dear Grands,

John 11:35, “Jesus wept.”

You undoubtedly know that this is the shortest verse in the

entire Bible. But the impact is rarely noticed by commentators.

Weeping or crying is usually connected with sorrow, although I

have sometimes laughed so energetically that my laughter brought

tears. Why would Jesus weep? He had known for some time that

Lazarus was dead, and He had come to Bethany to raise him from

the dead. Some speculate that Jesus was sorrowful for Mary and

Martha, who had lost their brother. The Jews reasoned that Jesus

wept because He loved Lazarus so much. Undoubtedly, there is

some truth in what they believed. Perhaps, Jesus saw the parallel

between what Lazarus’ death and the death that He would die.

For my part, I have come to believe that He wept because of sin.

Death was not in God’s plan when He created Adam. It was Adam’s

sin that brought death into the human arena. Oh, if Adam had just

followed God’s instructions! ~ Do you understand how greatly our

sin hurts God? Whether is something we do or something that we

don’t do, God weeps when we live outside His will for our lives.

Keep your focus on Jesus! Let the Holy Spirit guide and direct your

life. Things you encounter may cause you to weep; just don’t let

things you do cause hurt to God. He loves you and wants to

direct everything in your life.

We love you, too, and pray for you every day,

Nana & Dado III

Gene L. Jeffries, Th.D.

Springdale, Arkansas


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