The Grands Letter (GLJ)
Gene L. Jeffries, Th.D. on March 11, 2017 7:09 am (CST)Dear Grands,
Acts 25:11, ââĶI appeal to Caesar.â
Were you ever in a situation that seemed hopeless whatever
you said or did? This was where the Apostle Paul found himself,
as he stood before Festus. It is difficult not to second-guess the
Apostle Paul; but we were not there, nor are we knowledgeable
in either Jewish or Roman law. Remember that Paul was in
Caesarea because the Jews were set to kill him. The Roman
official delivered him from the would-be assassins by taking
him from Jerusalem to Caesarea. Maybe Paul had received
word that they were again planning to kill him if he returned
to Jerusalem. They were, you know (Acts 25:3).
In any event, Paul, as a Roman citizen, possessed some
powerful rights. One was his right to appeal directly to Caesar.
It was indeed a risk. Caesar (Nero) was the equivalent to our
Supreme Court, but he also had the power of execution. Paul
was absolutely confident that he had broken no law, so he
trusted what the LORD allowed him to do and appealed to
Caesar, the highest human authority in the Roman world.
It is not wrong for us to go to court in our own defense. But
courts are not always right in their judgments. Thus, our
only ultimate authority in in Jesus Christ. He alone is our
defense attorney (1 John 2:1). Trust always in Him!
Our love and prayers follow you always,
Nana & Dado III
Gene L. Jeffries, Th.D.
Springdale, Arkansas