The Grands Letter (GLJ)
Gene L. Jeffries, Th.D. on May 16, 2017 8:06 am (CST)Dear Grands,
2 Peter 3:17-18, “You therefore, beloved, knowing this beforehand,
be on your guard so that you are not carried away by the error of
unprincipled men and fall from your own steadfastness,
18 but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior
Jesus Christ.
To Him be the glory, both now and to the day of eternity. Amen.”
The entire third chapter of Second Peter concerns “steadfastness.”
Peter warns us of the coming of the Day of the LORD, which is His
Judgment on the world because of sin. “Be on your guard” is a
Greek imperative. It is an essential command. Why? It is because
there is error in the world (and in the church) –error that is taught
by people who have no scruples, no principles. They just want you
to follow them. Some TV evangelists are an excellent example.
And if you listen to them and embrace their teachings, you will fall
away from the Truth and become unstable, wobbly, not knowing
where you stand on anything.
What then, are we to do? Here’s a second Greek imperative:
“grow in grace and knowledge of our LORD and Savior, Jesus
Christ.” How do you grow physically? By eating good food! How
do you grow spiritually? By eating, taking in, believing sound
doctrine; by ignoring those things that turn our minds away from
the LORD and purity.
I have students, whose parents did not follow the Word of God.
That left them, the children, without steadfastness in their lives.
Because they (the students) were unstable, they married unstable
people and their children became unstable. What a mess! How
then did they become Christians with all of this instability in their
background? Simply by the grace of God, and with almost
unbelievable hurt and sorrow. LISTEN TO PETER! Concentrate
on God’s Truth! Learn wisdom from the LORD! Jesus is coming
again! Be ready! Be strong! Be faithful! Share the Good News!
We love you all dearly and pray for you daily,
Nana & Dado III
Gene L. Jeffries, Th.D.
Springdale, Arkansas