The Grands Letter (GLJ)
Gene L. Jeffries, Th.D. on October 5, 2017 7:43 am (CST)Dear Grands,
Acts 22:14-15, “And he said, ‘The God of our fathers has appointed you
to know His will, and to see the Righteous One, and to hear an utterance
from His mouth. 15 ‘For you will be a witness for Him to all men of what you
have seen and heard.’”
Someone once said that the disciples were always either in trouble, or had
just come out of trouble, or were headed for trouble. Paul is a clear example
of this. Agabus was right when he foretold that Paul would have trouble in
Jerusalem. The Jews were wrong when they thought Paul had brought a Greek
into the Temple. Nevertheless, a mob riot occurred, and Paul had to be rescued
by Roman guards.
The guards were wrong thinking Paul was an Egyptian trouble-maker. And they
were wrong when they put him, a Roman citizen, in chains without a trial. In his
open, verbal defense before the people, Paul reiterated his Damascus Road
experience (recorded in Acts 9).
A portion of Paul’s defense told of Ananias’ statement, as in our verses above.
What is most interesting is that what Ananias told Paul, has some personal meaning
for us. As born-again believers, we, too, are “appointed…to know His will.” Do you
know what the LORD wills for you? Are you trying hard to find out? And we’ve
seen Him, too –not with our physical eyes, but through His Eternal Word, the Bible!
Therefore, you and I are to “be a witness for Him to all men of what (we) have seen
and heard” from the Scriptures. Is your life showing forth His likeness? Do people
see love emanating from you? Do you handle “trouble” like the Apostle Paul did?
Maybe it’s time for a spiritual check-up. We’re all sure to have one some day.
Our love and prayers for you have not diminished,
Nana & Dado III
Gene L. Jeffries, Th.D.
Springdale, Arkansas
“We never know that God is all we need
until He becomes all that we have.”