The Grands Letter (GLJ)
Gene L. Jeffries, Th.D. on November 24, 2018 5:53 am (CST)Dear Grands,
Psalm 109:1-4, “O God of my praise, do not be silent!
2 For they have opened the wicked and deceitful mouth against me;
They have spoken against me with a lying tongue.
3 They have also surrounded me with words of hatred,
And fought against me without cause.
4 In return for my love they act as my accusers;
But I am in prayer.”
Things are going well. You are surrounded by friends, who have trouble,
but you are ministering to them as best as you know how, showing love
and encouragement as best as you can. Then, in a flash, they turn on you!
They become hateful and look upon you with disdain. They spread lies
about you and do everything they possibly can to cause you trouble.
Whatever has caused this? “What have I done?” you ask. No one will
say; they simply treat you as if you had a contagious disease. They
gather in small groups at work, at church, in the restaurant –everywhere!
They look ascanse at you and buzz something among themselves. They
seem to delight in tantalizing you. WHAT ON EARTH IS GOING ON?
What you’re experiencing is not new. Many have experienced the same.
Who knows how it all started? Who knows how long it will go on?
David had such an experience, and he wrote the words above amidst his
trials and tribulations. He had shown nothing unto others except love.
And in return…this!
There was only one thing David could do: he resorted to prayer. He
brought his case before the Judge of the Universe. Where better to go?
We short-change the power of prayer. We look instead for somethinng
we can do. But there is nothing we can do. We need help; and the LORD
is our best and only source. David pleads with the LORD to avenge him
of his adversaries. He’s pretty desperate, as depicted in his ongoiing
words. Imprecation is the act of cruel judgment upon someone; and
David invokes the LORD to exercise His royal judgment against his
adversaries. It’s a natural reaction of a desperate person: Show ‘em, LORD!
Whether David is asking in love is debatable. The One whom he is asking
is without question correct. So, the next time you find yourself in a quandry,
go directly to the LORD! Don’t try to figure everything out. Just pray! The
LORD has the answer to everything. He may even be using the trouble
to bring you closer to Him.
We pray for you, and earnestly seek your prayers for us,
Nana & Dado III
Gene L. Jeffries, Th.D.
Springdale, Arkansas 72764
United States of America
“We never know that God is all we need
until He becomes all that we have.”