The Grands Letter (GLJ)
Gene L. Jeffries, Th.D. on March 21, 2019 10:31 pm (CST)Dear Grands,
Matthew 21:22, “’And all things you ask in prayer, believing, you shall receive.’”
It would probably not go down well in today academic world, but I clearly recall a girl in my
Pitt State College class ask the professor, “Does prayer really work?” Being a non-Christian
school, the teachers were equally non-Christian, yet the professor quite lamely sought to
answer the question. I don’t recall the answer, but I clearly recall the question.
My family and I recently faced a serious situation when Rose Marie began to physically deteriorate. Her hemogloglin had been wobbly for some time, and blood transfusions were normal inside of
every two weeks. Sophisticated tests (to us, at least) were administered in the effort to determine
why and where she was losing blood.
A recent test prompted a visit to a vascular surgeon in the hope that he might remedy the lack of blood supply to vital areas of her body. He had seen her recent C-T scan and was updated on the problems she faced. He was pleasant, but spoke clearly that whether his work would be successful was problematic. “The arteries are calcified, stemming the flow of blood to her vital organs,” he said.
“I will perform an angiogram and see; if it’s possible, I will try to baloon the artery and insert a stent. If I cannot get past the calcification, I will simply back out of the procedure.”
It did not look promising. We told him we believed in prayer and had been praying for a resolution to this devastating situation. He is a Christian and said he prayed, too –every morning! We agreed to the angiogram and we earnestly prayed and sought the prayers of scores of persons we knew.
Some of you reading this were on our list of Prayer Warriors. Some who received our requests (there were many) were members of prayer groups themselves, giving us triple, quadruple the
number of people praying.
Rob, Teri and I visited Rose Marie prior to the procedure. She was in excellent spirits! She asked for prayer. I took her hand and Teri’s. Rob and John, another surgeon who assisted, held Rose’s other hand. The nurse who was behind me, took Rose’s hand from me and moved herself into the
prayer circle. We prayed in faith and she was moved into the caph lab for the procedure.
Today in the forenoon hours, Dr. Russell Wood undertook the procedure on weakened Rose Marie. The procedure was scheduled for about 45 minutes. If the stents worked, the time would be longer.
The procedure moved beyond the 45 minute frame to an hour, two hours, and more. Then the door
opened and Dr. Russell Wood emerged.
Not only had he been successful in ballooning the clogged arteries, he had inserted three (3) stents! Two of the arteries were 90 percent closed, and one was 70% closed. The Bible tells us that “…the life of the flesh is in the blood…” (Lev. 17:11).
With her blood now freely flowing, Rose Marie is visibly improved. She was awake throughout the procedure and watched it on the monitor. She is being overnighted in hospital before returning home tomorrow. She looks great! She is breathing well. And we Thank & Praise the LORD for answering all of our prayers!
“Yes, dear college girl, prayer really works –when we know and believe in Jesus!”
May the LORD bless you abundantly for your service to Him and to all our family!
Thankfully in Christ,
The Jeffries
Gene L. Jeffries, Th.D.
Springdale, Arkansas 72764
United States of America
“We never know that God is all we need
until He becomes all that we have.”