Archive for April 6th, 2019

The Grands Letter (GLJ)

on April 6, 2019 10:40 pm (CST)
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Dear Grands,

Jeremiah 5:30-31; 6:16, “’An appalling and horrible thing Has happened in the land:

31 The prophets prophesy falsely, And the priests rule on their own authority; And My

people love it so! But what will you do at the end of it?’”
“Thus says the LORD, ‘Stand by the ways and see and ask for the ancient paths, Where the good way is, and walk in it; And you shall find rest for your souls.’”

People that are called into court have, in most cases, the option of a trial by jury or a trial by the Bench (the judge). Of course, lawyers for defendents advise their clients to choose the method that is most likely to find them not guilty.

In the first two verses above, the charge against God’s people is read. It is not sugar-coated; it clearly tells it like it truly is. “Prophets prophesy falsely…priests rule on their own

authority…and the LORD’s people love it!” But, what will they do when the jury comes in?

I’ve often heard preachers say to other preachers, “Well in my church, we do it my way.”

The first error is that no church belongs to the pastor. He is to be the spiritual leader, and keep things operating according to Scripture. People are to adhere to their pastor’s leader-ship; but he does not own or rule the church!

As the God-called leader, the pastor should be humble, prayerful, studious of God’s Word, and an able teacher and proclaimer. No pastor should berate the congregation into accepting his teaching. If the LORD is in control, He will enable the people to know whether what they are receiving is from His Word or a simply a man’s concoction with a selfish purpose.

The LORD’s response comes in our final verse (6:16). First, don’t be hasty in following anything new. Stand by the “ancient paths, the good way, and walk in it.” Clear instruction has already been given in the Bible. The only way to “find rest” is to follow the way the LORD has given. What is true for the Church is true for us as believers. Personal “rest” leads to corporate rest. And that rest leads to community adherence of God’s Word. Sound simple? It is when we allow it to be. Study the Word carefully and pray earnestly. He is at work in the lives of His people!

We love and pray for you daily,

Nana & Dado III

(Rose Marie & Gene)

Gene L. Jeffries, Th.D.

Springdale, Arkansas 72764

United States of America

“We never know that God is all we need

until He becomes all that we have.”


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