The Grands Letter (Psa/GLJ)

on December 13, 2019 9:26 pm (CST)
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Dear Grands,

Psalm 145:14-16. “The LORD sustains all who fall,

And raises up all who are bowed down.

15 The eyes of all look to Thee,

And Thou dost give them their food in due time.

16 Thou dost open Thy hand,

And dost satisfy the desire of every living thing.”

When trouble or anxiety move in upon our lives, we need help. David knows and reveals to us that

the LORD sustains (supports) those who fall. He also raises up those who are bowed down. “Bowed”

here is probably intended as complimentary to the word “fall,” in the initial part of the verse. Yet, it just

might be that David is not-so-subtly implying that only those who truly worship (bow before) the LORD

can rely upon Him to sustain them.

“The eyes of all look to Thee” is so contemporaneous with our times. “Oh, LORD!” and “Oh, God!”

are subliminal expressions that designate trouble –our trouble! Even those who deny the LORD a

presence in their lives, cry those words in times of trouble. It is in reality His implantation of man’s

awareness of Him, despite man’s denial.

He provides our food. My maternal grandmother told me of her discovery of two shiny new dimes

in the barn during the years of depression. Not a soul other than family had been on the place, and

she was unshakable in her belief that the LORD had Himself provided them for their needs. Doubt

her, if you will; but remember the verse that says, “Nothing will be impossible with God” (Luke 1:37).

Yes, He opens His hand, and satisfies “the desire of every living thing.” Yet, if “bowed down,” back

in verse 14, means “worship” and being “yielded to His will,” then our reception of anything and

everything hinges on how we conduct our daily lives. Is your life “right” with God? Are your thoughts

and attitudes and conduct guided by Him? If they are, you can depend on Him keeping His word.

If they are not, you may be headed for real trouble! Don’t trifle with God! He’s the bigger player in

this game of life.

Heartily in Christ Jesus,

(Dado III)

Gene L. Jeffries, Th.D.

Springdale, Arkansas 72764

United States of America

“We never know that God is all we need

until He becomes all that we have.”


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