The Grands Letter (1Jn/GLJ)

on September 23, 2020 12:55 pm (CST)
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Dear Grands,

I John 1:3-4, “…what we have seen and heard we proclaim to you also, that you also may

have fellowship with us; and indeed our fellowship is with the Father, and with His Son

Jesus Christ.

4 And these things we write, so that our joy may be made complete.”

The one sure way to persuade anyone of anything is to have experienced it yourself. Saying, “I think this is what you need” will not cut it. Saying, “I’ve been where you are, but I’ve changed. I have a new life! You must experience this new life I have discovered! You will never regret it.”

Such an invitation is almost always to someone we like, admire, or love. Why is that true? It’s true because we quite naturally think first of our relatives and friends. This letter from John is to those he knows and loves. We love our friends and our joy is to see others’ lives filled with joy, because when their lives are joyous, our lives are joyous, too.

Above all, however, we love Christ Jesus! In chapter four of this same letter John says, “We love, because He first loved us.” Think about that! When we truly love others, it is because the LORD Jesus Christ has loved us. There is no “true” love outside of Him!

There are three separate and distinct words in Greek that translate as “love” in English. Only two of the three appear in the New Testament. As we come to know others, we often begin to like them increasingly. Sometimes, our feelings for them grow, and we even say that we “love” them. Yet, all of that “love” has its origin in the LORD Jesus Christ. If it doesn’t, it’s less than His “true and pure” love.

John writes that we all may know and embrace the richest of all love. With it we love Him; and through Him, we love and embrace all people. Love abolishes fear, and we become His witnessses, demonstrating His love and sharing it freely with others. It this true of you? Do you

love people as Christ did? If not, get closer to Him, and His love will flow through you to others.

May our blessed LORD so fill us all with His love that its overflow will smother whatever negative attitudes or feelings others might express!

Heartily in Christ Jesus,

(Dado III)

Gene L. Jeffries, Th.D.

Springdale, Arkansas 72764

United States of America

“We never know that God is all we need

until He becomes all that we have.”


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