The Grands Letter (1Co/GLJ)

on October 24, 2020 7:57 am (CST)
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Dear Grands,

1 Corinthians 15:57-58, “…thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our LORD Jesus Christ.

58 Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the LORD,

knowing that your toil is not in vain in the LORD.”

Graduate schools generally require a significant paper from their students before they are granted a degree. Most biblical scholars point to Paul’s letter to the Romans as his magnum opus. Yet, I would submit First Corinthians (especially the 15th

chapter) as a near, if not clear, rival to the Romans letter. That 15th chapter of First Corinthians is the clearest argument for

the Resurrection in all of Scripture. Furthermore, it supports the uncontestable conclusion in verse 58 above.

Notice first, that Paul is speaking only to truly born-again believers in Christ Jesus: “my beloved brethren (brothers).” If you

are a truly born-again believer in Christ Jesus, he is speaking to you. Undoubtedly, you believe in God; however, if you have never confessed your sins to Christ and asked His forgiveness, you need to do so immediately! There is no victory over sin

and death without the forgiveness of the LORD Jesus.

Subsequently, Paul admonishes his brothers-in-Christ to be steadfast in the faith. With the advent of the internet, we have

virtually unlimited access to all sorts of preaching. Some preachers are exceedingly sound in the faith; some are miserably

mistaken in their understanding; and it is the mistaken who lead many away from the Christ they themselves purport to follow.

Whether in a local church or on the Internet, find the preacher who clearly follows the Scriptures and become immovable from the faith.

Then, abound in the work of the LORD youself! Become a witness! Share the Gospel! It’s not a matter of argument; it’s

simply telling others of Jesus and what He has done in your life. Be loving; be concerned for the souls of others. None of us

know everything. You may be asked questions you cannot answer. Don’t worry. I’ve been in ministry for over 60 years, and

I still get questions I cannot answer. The Bible is a deep study. Just keep on keeping on, knowing that your labor is not for

nothing. It is the LORD’s work; and it is His responsibility to minister to the hearts and lives of those who do not know Him.

Stay in the Word! Stay connected with Christ in prayer! Be active in ministry for Him! God bless you abundantly!

Heartily in Christ Jesus,

(Dado III)

Gene L. Jeffries, Th.D.

Springdale, Arkansas 72764

United States of America

“We never know that Christ is all we need until He becomes all that we have.” – Corrie ten Boom


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