The Grands Letter (Mt/GLJ)
Gene L. Jeffries, Th.D. on December 17, 2020 7:37 am (CST)Dear Grands,
Matthew 2:11-12, “And they came into the house and saw the Child with Mary His mother; and they fell down and
worshiped Him; and opening their treasures they presented to Him gifts of gold and frankincense and myrrh.
12 And having been warned by God in a dream not to return to Herod, they departed for their own country by another
Did you ever ask directions and then disregard them and go another way? I’m afraid I have at times. We might speculate on what causes us to ignore the very answers for which we ask, yet with the magi there is no reason to do so. Not only did they learn from Herod that the Child was in Bethlehem, but the star that had guided them from the east had not departed. This led them to further rejoicing, and the star guided them to the very house where the Child was. Why are we often so anxious to obtain directions, but fail to follow them? Do we not know that the LORD always leads us in the correct way?
Two notable factors differentiate the time of the shepherds from that of the magi. When the shepherds viewed the Child, the word ?????? (brephos) is used. It means “baby” or “newly born child”; and He was “lying in a manger” (????? (phatne). When the magi found Him, He was identified as a ??????? (paidion), “a young Child,” and was living in a “house” (????? (oikia). And there in that house, identified by the star, the magi found the Child with His mother; and they worshipped, they reverenced, they bowed down before Him. How much time elapsed between the shepherds and the magi, we do not know; but it was possibly, a year or more. Interestingly, too, the Scriptures do not tell us how many shepherds or how many magi there were. We generally think of three magi because of their three gifts, but there were probably several more. Travel in those days was quite dangerous, making it logical that the magi traveled with a sizable number of servants, as well.
It was characteristic of the times that gifts were required when visiting a dignitary; thus, the magi opened gifts, appropriate to the Child. Gold was the metal of kings. Jesus was indeed to become the King of Kings. Barclay states: “We do well to remember that Jesus Christ is King. We can never meet Jesus on an equality. We must always meet him on terms of complete submission.” Frankincense was the gift for a priest; and “the function of a priest is to open the way to God for men.” Myrrh was “the gift for one who is to die.” It was a substance used in embalming.
Each gift from the magi identified a characteristic of the Christ Child. He is indeed King above all earthly kings. He opens to us the only way to the Father, which is the way of faith. He died on the Cross — the Father’s willing sacrifice for our sin. Further, He arose from the dead, proving that His Life supersedes even death. What a Savior He is! Have you trusted Him for your salvation? Bow before Him today! He is Life; and He will invest Himself in your life when you trust Him.
The magi are often called “wise men.” They were wise because they sought Him; they were wiser still when they found Him; and they were wisest of all when they obeyed Him, and returned to their own country via another way. How truly wise are you? Have you obeyed Him? Jesus is the Greatest Gift you can ever receive! Ask Him into your life today!
Heartily in Christ Jesus,
(Dado III)
Gene L. Jeffries, Th.D.
Springdale, Arkansas 72764
United States of America
“We never know that Christ is all we need until He becomes all that we have.” – Corrie ten Boom