Archive for October, 2022

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Dear Grands,

Jeremiah 2:5-13, “Thus says the LORD, “What injustice did your fathers find in Me, that they went far from Me and walked after emptiness and became empty?
6 “They did not say, ‘Where is the LORD who brought us up out of the land of Egypt, who led us through the wilderness, through a land of deserts and of pits, through a land of drought and of deep darkness, through a land that no one crossed and where no man dwelt?’
7 “I brought you into the fruitful land to eat its fruit and its good things. But you came and defiled My land, and My inheritance you made an abomination.
8 “The priests did not say, ‘Where is the LORD?’ And those who handle the law did not know Me; the rulers also transgressed against Me, and the prophets prophesied by Baal and walked after things that did not profit.
9 “Therefore I will yet contend with you,” declares the LORD, “and with your sons’ sons I will contend.
10 “For cross to the coastlands of Kittim and see, and send to Kedar and observe closely and see if there has been such a thing as this!
11 “Has a nation changed gods when they were not gods? But My people have changed their glory for that which does not profit.
12 “Be appalled, O heavens, at this, and shudder, be very desolate,” declares the LORD.
13 “For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the fountain of living waters, to hew for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that can hold no water.

There are numerous happenings today that make this word of Jeremiah applicable to our people and to our times. Re-read the history of the Declaration of Independence and try and to be convinced that it was not a document shadowed from Heaven. Do the same with our U. S. Constitution. Yet, today our nation behaves as if the Constitution has no applicability to our current era.

Indeed, we were brought into a fruitful land; the LORD provided us its fruit and its good things; but we have defiled the land He gave us, and His inheritance has become an abomination. We have changed the glory the LORD produced for “that which does not profit.”

Were we dealing with only local and national law-enforcement officials, we would do well to beware.
Yet, we behave as if there were no LORD Almighty
beholding our manner of life from His Heavens. He warns us of His anger and of His power. We would
do well to listen, for one day He will require an accounting, and we will be found wanting. Indeed, we have forsaken the LORD, and those cisterns that once held His Living Water are broken. Where now do we look for help?

Heartily in Christ Jesus,

(Dado III)

Gene L. Jeffries, Th.D.
Springdale, Arkansas 72764
United States of America

“We never know that Christ is all we need until He becomes all that we have.” – Corrie ten Boom

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Dear Grands,

Jeremiah 1:4-9, “Now the word of the LORD came to me saying,
5 ‘Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I have appointed you a prophet to the nations.’
6 Then I said, ‘Alas, Lord GOD! Behold, I do not know how to speak, because I am a youth.’
7 But the LORD said to me, ‘Do not say, “I am a youth,” because everywhere I send you, you shall go, and all that I command you, you shall speak.’
8 ‘Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you to deliver you,’ declares the LORD.
9 Then the LORD stretched out His hand and touched my mouth, and the LORD said to me, ‘Behold, I have put My words in your mouth.’”

It may sound like boasting to you, but I had received so much public training as a child, singing, acting in plays, playing piano, performing in sports– to such an extend that I cannot recall ever being truly afraid of an audience. All of that worked well for me when I was called to preach. Yet, each aspect had to be physically and emotionally explored.

None of the above, however, was quite like preaching. I had to study the Scriptures, listen carefully to my pastor, inquire of him what certain passages meant – the same things that my parishioners were to ask of me in later years.

Jesus said, “Do not say, ‘I am a youth,’ because everywhere I send you, you shall go, and all that I command you, you shall speak.” Truly, the LORD is in charge!

Anyone who has confessed his sin to Christ Jesus and been spiritually born-again, should be comfortable in sharing how to be saved with someone who does not know Christ as their Savior and LORD. The LORD has actually given me thoughts to share –thoughts I had never before contemplated. The LORD is indeed remarkable! Let Him touch your life and your mouth with His words. You will be amazed! And those to whom you speak will be blessed beyond words!

Heartily in Christ Jesus,

(Dado III)

Gene L. Jeffries, Th.D.
Springdale, Arkansas 72764
United States of America

“We never know that Christ is all we need until He becomes all that we have.” – Corrie ten Boom

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Dear Grands,

Proverbs 8:6-14, “Listen, for I will speak noble things; And the opening of my lips will reveal right things.
7 “For my mouth will utter truth; and wickedness is an abomination to my lips.
8 “All the utterances of my mouth are in righteousness; there is nothing crooked or perverted in them.
9 “They are all straightforward to him who understands, and right to those who find knowledge.
10 “Take my instruction and not silver, and knowledge rather than choicest gold.
11 “For wisdom is better than jewels; and all desirable things cannot compare with her.
12 “I, wisdom, dwell with prudence, and I find knowledge and discretion.
13 “The fear of the LORD is to hate evil; pride and arrogance and the evil way and the perverted mouth, I hate.
14 “Counsel is mine and sound wisdom; I am understanding, power is mine.”

People, the world over, are alike in many ways. It was large assembly in an Australian school. The students endered in ruffly the same way as students in any school. It was noisy; there was much talking and shuffling of the chairs in the assembly hall.

The principle stood centerstage, and spoke loudly in a voice that everyone understood: “YOU KNOW WHAT I WANT!” Indeed, they did! And it became still, more like the inside of King Tut’s Tomb –so still, in fact, that it was difficult for me to get any laughter when I sought to acclimate myself with the students.

Solomon meant the same thing when he called for silence when he spoke to the people. “I’m telling you the truth,” he said. “Wickedness is an abomination to my lips.” It was an excellent attention-getter. Further, Solomon assured his people that he was telling them the truth. There was no duplicity of meaning in his words. His words were straightforward; and they were thoroughly correct and meaningful to those who truly heard them.

Solomon’s instruction was superior beyond words. You think gold is valuable? Wisdom is more valuable!
You think jewells are precious? Wisdom is of far more
value than jewells! So, share Your instruction with me, O LORD!

Who among us, dear reader, possesses instruction
greater than Solomon’s? May we saver his wisdom and first think through what we wish to say; then
be still and reserve our thoughts for yet another day.

Heartily in Christ Jesus,

(Dado III)

Gene L. Jeffries, Th.D.
Springdale, Arkansas 72764
United States of America

“We never know that Christ is all we need until He becomes all that we have.” – Corrie ten Boom

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Dear Grands,

Proverbs 1:6-10, “A wise man will hear and increase in learning, and a man of understanding will acquire wise counsel,
6 To understand a proverb and a figure, the words of the wise and their riddles.
7 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction.
8 Hear, my son, your father’s instruction and do not forsake your mother’s teaching;
9 Indeed, they are a graceful wreath to your head and ornaments about your neck.
10 My son, if sinners entice you, do not consent.”

If I have used these verses in a prior Letter, it is because my parents used them on me again and again. I think it was Mark Twain (Samuel Clemmons) who said, “All that I am and ever hope to be, I owe to my darling mother.”

With the exception of Jesus Christ, Solomon, reputably the wisest man who ever lived, said, “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge.” Yet, before the LORD was understood to be a child’s primary instructor, Solomon cited a child’s father and mother as designated instructors.

A wreath was placed on the winner’s head, indicating that he had accomplished what the contest demanded. Thus, a child received a spiritual wreath when he had learned the practical lessons of truth his mother and father had taught him.

The primary question to this generation is: Have you learned those positive truths your parents have taught you? It’s a question that requires the leverage of your parents. It is also a question that requires achievement on your part. What have your parents taught you? Are you following their “right-path” instructions?

There are enemies who want more than anything to take away from you the understanding your parents have sought to impant within you. Enemies want to rid you of honesty, truth and all good things you have learned. Defeat your enemies by yielding to the LORD, embracing His truths, and sharing them with others. Thus, when sinners entice you to do evil,
just do not consent! The first refusal is the hardest. It gets easier the further you go with it. May the LORD
help you always.

Heartily in Christ Jesus,

(Dado III)

Gene L. Jeffries, Th.D.
Springdale, Arkansas 72764
United States of America

“We never know that Christ is all we need until He becomes all that we have.” – Corrie ten Boom

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Dear Grands,

1 Peter 5:1-7, “Therefore, I exhort the elders among you, as your fellow elder and witness of the sufferings of Christ, and a partaker also of the glory that is to be revealed,
2 shepherd the flock of God among you, exercising oversight not under compulsion, but voluntarily, according to the will of God; and not for sordid gain, but with eagerness;
3 nor yet as lording it over those allotted to your charge, but proving to be examples to the flock.
4 And when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the unfading crown of glory.
5 You younger men, likewise, be subject to your elders; and all of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, for GOD IS OPPOSED TO THE PROUD, BUT GIVES GRACE TO THE HUMBLE.
6 Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you at the proper time,
7 casting all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you.”

A recent headline read, “70 Louisiana Baptist churches damaged or destroyed by Hurricane Ida.”
Whether you are a Baptist or not, I’m sure that your heart goes out to these dear people who have lost their places of worship in this recent storm.

Of a much greater concern is what people lose when they lose faith in the LORD, as their church departs from the Scripture. For there is a decided departure today from the Word of the Living God!

Nor is this departure limited to any particular denomination. The words of Peter in our verses above have application to all God-called ministers of the Gospel. There is a Chief Shepherd, the LORD Jesus Christ, who will one day appear, calling all ministers to give account of themselves and of their ministries.

Therefore, it behooves all spiritual leadership –all who handle the Word in the church– to humble themselves
before the LORD, watching carefully to reverence Him, who is our Supreme Leader.

Our lives must be clean and holy before Him, as we minister His Word in application to the lives of others.
We must be prayerful and careful, as the souls of others rests in our hands. We will one day be held accountable before the LORD.

Yes, anxieties and adversaties assault us, just as they assault our leaders. Peter’s advice is that we cast all
our anxieties on the LORD Jesus Christ because “He
cares for you.”

Heartily in Christ Jesus,

(Dado III)

Gene L. Jeffries, Th.D.
Springdale, Arkansas 72764
United States of America

“We never know that Christ is all we need until He becomes all that we have.” – Corrie ten Boom


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