The Grands Letter (Hos/GLJ)

on March 24, 2023 5:49 am (CST)
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Dear Grands,

Hosea 14:1-4, “Return, O Israel, to the LORD your God, for you have stumbled
because of your iniquity.
2 Take words with you and return to the LORD. Say to Him, ‘Take away all iniquity
and receive us graciously, that we may present the fruit of our lips.
3 ‘Assyria will not save us, we will not ride on horses; nor will we say again,
“Our god,” to the work of our hands; for in You the orphan finds mercy.’
4 I will heal their apostasy, I will love them freely, for My anger has turned away
from them.”

Israel has always been God’s people! History validates His love and assistance,
when hardly a nation on Earth would stand up for them! The Six Day War that
occurred in June of 1967 –the war that saw Israel retake Jerusalem and all —is
a sufficient demonstration of the LORD’s love for His people!

History also validates how often Israel strayed from the LORD and turned from His
instructions. Only at the Cross of Christ is His Love more highly demonstrated than
when He forgave Israel and cared again for them under His keeping.

The principles that apply to Israel apply to believers in Jesus Christ, as well. How far
some churches and pastors that lay claim to Him and His principles are in today’s
news as having strayed from the clear teachings of God’s Holy Word! If Israel suffered
for her sin in past generations (and she did!), how can some (churches and pastors)
believe they should be reinstated without suffering horrendous loss?

Israel ultimately came to her senses. We can only trust and pray that ministers and
churches, who have turned away from the clear teaching of the Word, will do the same.
Israel was worth all it took to bring her back to the LORD. The Church and her ministers
are worth it, too. At the same time, we must note that Israel paid a high price in every
situation when she veered away from her LORD. It is, therefore, hightly doubtful that
today’s spiritual vagrants will escape.

Don’t become a spiritual vagrant! To do so with the thought that He will always take you
back, is known as “presumptuous sin.” And that sin can be worse than those vagrant
offences. Learn to Love the LORD as He loves you. He will forgive and He will provide. Patience is ever our watchword!

Heartily in Christ Jesus,

(Dado III)

Gene L. Jeffries, Th.D.
Springdale, Arkansas 72764
United States of America

“We never know that Christ is all we need until He becomes all that we have.” – Corrie ten Boom


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