The Grands Letter (Gen/GLJ)
Gene L. Jeffries, Th.D. on April 29, 2024 6:03 am (CST)Dear Grands,
Genesis 31:16-21, “’Surely all the wealth which God has taken away from our father belongs to us and our children; now then, do whatever God has said to you.’
17 Then Jacob arose and put his children and his wives upon camels;
18 and he drove away all his livestock and all his property, which he had gathered,
his acquired livestock which he had gathered in Paddan-aram, to go to the land of
Canaan to his father Isaac.
19 When Laban had gone to shear his flock, then Rachel stole the household idols
that were her father’s.
20 And Jacob deceived Laban the Aramean by not telling him that he was fleeing.
21 So he fled with all that he had; and he arose and crossed the Euphrates River, and set his face toward the hill country of Gilead.”
Did I not recently quote the saying, “It’s not right to do wrong to do right?” Well,
that’s exactly what Jacob and his children did to his father-in-law, Laban.
No question about it, Laban was a cheat. Read the whole account and just try to
Keep track of how many times in various ways Laban agreed to something, and
then changed his mind. Truth be told, he probably intended it that way from the
start. Still, it’s always wrong to devise evil against someone else, whether it be
planned way ahead or excuted on the spur of the moment.
like Laban), but if you’re truly deep-down-honest, you’ve probably schemed some
along the way. I’m sure I have.
But, what do we do about the schemes we’ve executed against others? The very
first thing to do is recognize the scheme (however miniscule it may be) as sin!
Acquire the LORD’s forgiveness first. The acquisition itself will give you strength
to “fess up” to the one against whom you sinned. Then, apologize! It must be a
sincere apology, and exhibit genuine remorse. Often, the apology itself will shock
the one to whom you’ve apologized. Just do it! Be sincere! Promise that you will
never be devious again.
The reactions you will receive may vary. That doesn’t matter. Just apologize first
to the LORD, and He will give you strength to apologize to others. Everyone will
feel better when honesty names the steps you take thereafter. God bless you!
Heartily in Christ Jesus,
(Dado III)
Gene L. Jeffries, Th.D.
Springdale, Arkansas 72764
United States of America
“We will never know that Christ is all we need
until He becomes all that we have.”
– Corrie ten Boom