The Grands Letter (Gen/GLJ)

on May 8, 2024 5:48 am (CST)
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Dear Grands,

Genesis 4:3-5a, “So it came about in the course of time that Cain brought an offering to the LORD of the fruit of the ground.
4 Abel, on his part also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of their
fat portions. And the LORD had regard for Abel and for his offering;
5 but for Cain and for his offering He had no regard.”

The word “time” is first mentioned in the Word of God in the phrase “in
the course of time…” The word “time” itself is mentioned some 800
times in the Bible, depending on which version you use.

Some years ago, when I was employed in academia, I had opportunity
to purchase a facsimile of Noah Webster’s original dictionary. The
Webster Dictionary utilized Bible verses in giving explanations of the
meanings of the words; therefore….

It is not surprising…that Webster’s 1828 American Dictionary should contain the greatest number of biblical definitions given in any secular volume. Webster said, “In my view, the Christian religion is the most important and one of the first things in which all children, under a free government, ought to be instructed.”

Our Scripture verse above ought to awaken us as to how well we utilize our “time.” It can be used productively or wastefully, and it can be
measured; but, it cannot be stored, so as to be useable again. Once
that specific time has passed, it is gone – lost forever. Therefore, we
must covet and use it advantageously.

Yes, some things are demanding. Time is one of those things. Learn
to use it to the LORD’s advantage, such as praying, reading His Word,
fellowshipping with family and close friends. There’s an old saying that
says, “The Light that shines furtherest shines brightest at home.” God
bless you in the use of your time.

Heartily in Christ Jesus,

(Dado III)

Gene L. Jeffries, Th.D.
Springdale, Arkansas 72764
United States of America

“We never know that Christ is all we need until He becomes all that we have.” – Corrie ten Boom


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