The Grands Letter (Eccl/GLJ)

on February 7, 2025 12:51 pm (CST)
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Dear Grands,

Ecclesiastes 2:24-26 says, “There is nothing better for a man than to eat and drink and tell himself that his labor is good. This also I have seen, that it is from the hand of God.”

25 “For who can eat and who can have enjoyment without Him?”

26 “For to a person who is good in His sight He has given wisdom and knowledge and joy, while to the sinner He has given the task of gathering and collecting so that he may give to one who is good in God’s sight. This too is vanity and striving after wind.”

King Solomon was doubtlessly endowed with some fantastic gifts from God! He was a master builder and a gifted writer, each of which was well beyond the work and wisdom of others within his time.

The first eleven verses of this second chapter are concerned with Solomon’s pleasure (2:1-11). “Is there anything of which one might say, ‘See this, it is new’? Already it has existed for ages which were before us” (Eccl. 1:10).

Known for his wisdom, Solomon considered it both “madness and folly, just as light excels darkness” (2:12-16). Yet, Solomon’s conclusion was that “it is from the hand of God, and who can have enjoyment without Him?” (2:24-26).

It’s more than likely that we both know people who are striving after the “good life” that was known to Solomon. They are so engrossed in the “goodness,” while ignoring the “life!” Most things are enjoyable once they’re undertaken. Yet, if our motives are only for enjoyment, we’re already on the wrong course. Give Solomon’s focus your own. You just might be surprised!

Heartily in Christ Jesus,

(Dado III)

Gene L. Jeffries, Th.D.

Springdale, Arkansas 72764

United States of America

“We will never know that Christ is all we need until He becomes all that we have.” – Corrie ten Boom


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