The Grands Letter (Mat/GLJ)
Gene L. Jeffries, Th.D. on August 31, 2020 6:57 pm (CST)Dear Grands,
Matthew 27:37, “And they put up above His head the charge against Him which read, ‘THIS IS JESUS THE KING OF THE JEWS.’”
There are 66 books in the entire Bible. Thirty-nine are in the Old Testament; 27 are in the New Testament. There are distinct purposes for each book, and each book has a verse that speaks to its theme. I have attached the outline for the Book of Matthew. Outlines of biblical books vary somewhat, according to who is doing the outlining. The purpose is to give you some additional guidance toward understanding the books’ meanings. The small number after the book’s title indicates the number of chapters in the book. The span relates to the number of years covered in the book itself. The remaining things are self-explanatory.
Jesus Christ is the principal personality throughout the Scriptures. Even in the Old Testament, where His name is not specifically mentioned, He is the principal personality.
I was speaking with a Jewish man, who asked me rather briskly, “Why does everyone
blame the Jews for crucifying Jesus?” I answered in like briskness, “Because you did! –and so did I!”
Yet, the words in our verse above could hardly have been written by Jews for they had denounced Him and were insistent on His crucifixion. The “they” in the verse points squarely at the Romans! For when it was written, the Jews objected, saying, “Say that He says He is King of the Jews.” But Pilate said, “What I have written, I have written.” (There’s the admission of Roman participation). And the Greek language adds, “…and it’s going to stay that way.”
In summation, the entire world was participant in Jesus’ crucifixion. The Scripture says, “…all have sinned.” And the greatest sin was and is in rejecting Jesus as LORD!
Centuries earlier, back in the Garden of Eden, Adam sinned by disobeying the LORD. When Adam sinned, the disease of sin was passed on to Cain and down to all of his posterity. Thus, one might live a near perfect life and still carry within himself the disease of sin. The only antidote for sin is the blood of Jesus Christ, shed on Calvary’s Cross.
I’m sure no one thought of it at that time, but when the “charge” was levied against Jesus, it ricoched down through the Ages, condemning the whole Earth. Thus, all mankind is guilty and in need of His forgiveness.
I learned about His salvation and trusted Him when I was a small boy. What about you? Do you know Him? Have you been saved from sin by the blood He shed for you? He is coming again! Trusting Him for forgiveness is the only way to be ready for His Coming! Start getting ready today!
Heartily in Christ Jesus,
(Dado III)
Gene L. Jeffries, Th.D.
Springdale, Arkansas 72764
United States of America
“We never know that God is all we need
until He becomes all that we have.”